Saturday, February 7, 2015

Baby Lyra's Monthly Photographs

Monthly Milestones Month 1

My first stuffed animal and my growth
Mommy and me
Daddy's rocking chair and my growth
Month 2 Milestones
Stuffed animal-2
Mommy and Me
Rocking chair-2

Milestones Month 3
Stuffed animal-3

Compare the Months (1-3)
Look how she has grown!
Milestones Month 4
Stuffed animal 4
Rocking chair 4

Compare the months (1-4)

Milestones Month 5

Compare the months (1-5)

Milestones Month 6
Stuffed Animal-6

Rocking Chair-6

Compare the Months (1-6)

Milestones Month 7
Month 8

Month 9

Month 10

Month 11 

Month 12